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Here’s a New Term…

I try to read a lot of blogs, books, and articles that provide insights into […]

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Order Takeout or Spin Up Servers?

I had lunch with a local CIO today. This was an ideal event as there were […]

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iPhones and Cisco TelePresence

As a part of the new look of TBL, all employees received an upgrade to […]

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This Kind of Leverage Does Not Come Around Very Often

The exciting and also the maddening thing about working in the technology business is the frenetic pace […]

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Markets, Uncertainty, & Your Business

Unless you are in Las Vegas tossing dice in the craps pit or flipping cards […]

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What do you expect from your I/T Vendors/Partners?

Maybe a better question is what should you expect from your I/T vendors and partners? […]

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The Power of Cisco Magnets

If there is any doubt as to the quality of products from Cisco, one must only examine the magnets that are included with the Catalyst 2960 and 3560 8-port compact switches.

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What I did over Summer Vacation

TBL recognizes that for K-12 Information Technology Teams, “summer vacation” is really the “summer busy season” when major projects that cannot be done during the academic year are stuffed into a 90 day window.

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Stop the Madness

“Stop the madness” has been a marketing moniker for several campaigns over the years, most notably in the 1980s during the Reagan administration as a slogan to drive an anti-drug message to kids. It has also been used to peddle diet strategies among other less altruistic endeavors. It seems to me that this phrase may be applicable to the I/T business as well.

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It’s the Economy

The full phrase, penned by Democratic strategist James Carville, “It’s the economy, stupid” helped then candidate Bill Clinton shift the focus of the US electorate away from an immensely popular sitting president and his success in foreign affairs to the quandary of ordinary Americans as the US economy began to slip into recession. Fast forward almost 20 years, narrow the focus to the world of business and the Information Technology that supports it and the cry is still relevant…it’s the economy.

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